‘Good HouseWife’s Guide’ from the 50s Teaches Wives How to Treat Their Husbands

The times have changed and most of the things that were normal back in the days, are strange today. Many traditions are not the same, and they are way different nowadays. One thing that has changed the most is the relationship between husbands and their wives. And generally, things that wives did for their husbands are something that you won’t see or hear today.

But back in the 50s wives had some major responsibilities that they had to do. There is an article from ‘Housekeeping Monthly’ that was published in May of 1955, that explains what a wife needs to do for her husband, her children, and her home.

Good HouseWife's Guide

It is fascinating that there were rules women had to follow for their life to be perfect.

If you want to find out what those rules are, we are sharing them with you down below.  

  1.    Your dinner needs to be ready when your husband returns home. If you need to plan the dinner day or night before, and that way you will show your husband that you are always thinking about him and his needs.
  2.    If you plan your dinner, you must make an effort that the dinner is warm and ready when he arrives, because he is probably going to be hungry. And if it’s something that he really likes, then it’s even better.
  3.    Before your husband arrives home, you need to refresh yourself. Rest for a bit, do your makeup, touch up your hair and look the best you can.
  4.    Be joyful when you see him and try to be interesting because it is your duty to make his day a little less boring.
  5.    Before your husband arrives, clean the house. Check the living room and the dining room, and collect books, toys, papers and everything else laying around. And for the final touch dust the tables.
  6.    If it’s the winter time, you need to prepare and light a fire before he comes home. He will feel welcomed when he comes home, and it will be easier for him to rest. Also, you will be very satisfied because you provided him with that kind of coziness and ease.
  7.    Always prepare your children. Wash their hands and faces and, touch up their hair and maybe change their clothes in something more appropriate.
  8.     Try to minimize the noises in the house, when he arrives be sure that the washer, dryer or the vacuum is not working. And make sure that your children are also quiet.
  9.    When your husband comes home to show him that you are happy to see him, smile and listen to him. He needs to see that you have a sincere desire to please him.
  10.    Even if you have something important to tell him, don’t do it. It is more significant that he talks first because his topics are more important than yours.
  11.    You should never complain if he comes home late, or does something without you, like going out for dinner. You need to understand his needs and please him. His time at home is for relaxing, not listening you complain about something.
  12.    Your home needs to be a place of peace and tranquility, where your husband feels safe and peaceful and can rest himself.
  13.    When he arrives don’t complain and don’t talk about problems.
  14.    Don’t tell him if you didn’t like it if he stayed out all night. That is nothing compared to everything that he did at work through that day.
  15.    He needs to feel comfortable, so prepare his favorite comfortable chair of the bed for him to lie down in it. Make sure to fix him a warm or cold drink.
  16.    Offer to take his shoes off and make him comfortable. Always speak in a calming and pleasing voice.
  17.    Never question his judgment of integrity and never ask questions about what he has done. He is the master of the house and he is always right, and you do not have the right to question him.
  18.    Remember that a good wife always knows her place.

Good HouseWife's Guide


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